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Weather Overview 5/5/2024 10:18:42
Casper, WY51.1 °Fred thermometer0 MPH North green arrow pointing at 0 degreesFew at 12000ft, 10 statute milessun with a few clouds
Cheyenne, WY53.1 °Fred thermometer16.1 MPH gusting to 24.2 MPHSouth green arrow pointing 180 degreesSky Clear, 10 statute milesclear sky
Rawlins, WY57.9 °Fred thermometer12.7 MPH gusting to 23 MPHSoutheast green arrow pointing 135 degreesBroken at 11000ft, 10 statute milessun with broken clouds
Gillette, WY57.9 °Fred thermometer25.3 MPH gusting to 39.1 MPHSouth green arrow pointing 180 degreesSky Clear, 10 statute mileswind sock with clear sky
Dickinson, ND59 °Fred thermometer26.5 MPH gusting to 33.4 MPHSoutheast green arrow pointing 135 degreesSky Clear, 10 statute mileswind sock with clear sky

Weather information is provided as a service to our employees to give them some information about what the recent weather has been like where they may be headed or where equipment problems have been reported. The weather information is updated from the weather stations every ten minutes and archived for one day so some weather history can be provided. Weather reports are then prepared from the locally archived data.