Our I.B.E.W. electricians specialize in meeting your commercial, industrial and field electrical contracting and communication needs. Our work includes new plant construction, renewal and maintenance. As a member of the National Electrical Contractors Association, our power and control systems are safely designed, installed and repaired according to the National Electric Code and applicable local regulations. Our qualified I.B.E.W electricians specialize in a number of projects, ranging from municipal water construction to fiber optic installation at power plants. A safe, professional work environment for all employees is the foundation of our work; it’s the cornerstone of our success.
With expertise in efficiently mainstreaming production throughout the energy industry, we know how to maximize your product’s cost-effectiveness. Product solutions may include commercial off the shelf systems developed from world-class major manufacturers, wireless and fiber optic networks providing links between human machine interfaces and various plant processes or our own OEM products. We currently employ many programmers and engineers dedicated to control system design, providing you with attentive and effective system integration. We do not represent any one product line, which allows us the freedom to develop the most efficient and cost-effective solution for your needs.